A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 !@$* active | api | Application | array | chart | clipboard | color | date and time | debug | Error | file | filter | find | format | log | loop | named range | PPT | Pivot Table | record | udf | workbook | wrapper Continue at Database_code 948 Steps to 6 Figures by Learning Excel-VBA and Other Skills |
• | application.statusbar = | |
• | Application.CutCopyMode = False - gets rid of crawling ants | |
• | application.evaluate(sLookup) - runs a vlookup or match or other excel statemnt | |
• | Application.EnableEvents = False | |
• | Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual ' recorded | |
• | Application.ScreenUpdating = True/False ' used for optimization | |
• | Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic ' optimization | |
• | Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' get rid of unneeded dialog box | |
• | Application.Height | |
• | Application.width | |
• | Application.Left | |
• | center in excel - application.width / 2 | |
• | as Outlook.Application | |
• | As Word.Application | |
• | set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") | |
• | Application.IgnoreRemoteRequests | |
• | Application.CalculateFull ' recorded | |
• | Dim PPT As Powerpoint.Application | |
• | Set PPT = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application") | |
• | Set PPApp = GetObject(, "Powerpoint.Application") | |
• | Application.AskToUpdateLinks = false | |
• | Application.Calculate | |
• | Application.Ontime Dateadd("n",30, Now(),"Sub_to_run_name" ' i | |
• | Application.Evaluate("=vlookup(""" & ..... & """,'" & from .... | |
• | Application.EnableEvents = True/False | |
• | Application.Caption | |
• | Application.Run - can be used to run a passed function on parameters - code in pptools - Callback_testing | |
• | Application.OnKey | |
• | Application.ErrorCheckingOptions.BackgroundChecking = False ' recorded optimize | |
• | Application.Autocorrect ' record | |
• | WorksheetFunction.Min( ) I use application.evaluate | |
• | Application.WindowState = xlMaximized - recorded | |
• | Application.WindowState = xlNormal - recorded | |
• | Quit Excel- Application.Quit |