A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 !@$* active | api | Application | array | chart | clipboard | color | date and time | debug | Error | file | filter | find | format | log | loop | named range | PPT | Pivot Table | record | udf | workbook | wrapper Continue at Database_code 948 Steps to 6 Figures by Learning Excel-VBA and Other Skills |
• | FileDateTime(sFileName) | |
• | Now() - returns the date time | |
• | Date formatting yyyy-mmm-dd | |
• | GettheVersion | |
• | Date ' returns current date | |
• | Date = #1/4/2021# | |
• | End of Month issue - two system used different month-end dates problem | |
• | WorkBooks.Open sFileout, UpdateLinks:=False | |
• | Application.AskToUpdateLinks = false | |
• | UpdateTOC - code to update ppt toc | |
• | Application.Ontime Dateadd("n",30, Now(),"Sub_to_run_name" ' i | |
• | LBDOM - dates - udf - Last Business Date of the Month | |
• | A01 GTOD(e,offset, optional retDate) - udf Get Type of Date - c for Credit Studio, e for Everest | |
• | DateAdd("s",Seconds, Now) | |
• | Second(now()) | |
• | SECDataAvailable - udf - db - checks for a condition (cob date from db > month-end data) and send email, generates a file | |
• | VerifyValue - udf - db - runs query based on Coper, field (ce,pe), date, returns value) | |
• | PPT test code to update embedded spreadsheet in ppt | |
• | Format dates | |
• | CVDate(string_field) | |
• | IsDate(string_field) | |
• | SQL update | |
• | Year(vDate) | |
• | Month(vdate) | |
• | Weekday - dates | |
• | override date | |
• | DateAdd("m", -1, vDate)) | |
• | GTOD - GetTypeOfDate - e e-system C c-system | |
• | GTODList(sStype, aOffsets) - date Get Type of Date list format "3,6,12,15" a list of prev offsets | |
• | IsBizDay(vDate) | |
• | DateValue("1/2/2020") | |
• | fdom - first day of month -date udf | |
• | NBizDays(startDate,n) | |
• | UpdateHyperLinkTOC - PPT | |
• | ######## - doesn't fit or negative date | |
• | #3/22/2021# = Date Constant | |
• | This Workbook contains links to one or more external sources [update] [don't update] | |
• | Date(year,month,day) | |
• | Date as a Number - 44520 | |
• | =DateValue("mm/dd/yyyy") | |
• | Date is a string problem | |
• | Date filtering problem due to 12/1/2021 vs. 12/01/2021 vs. 7/2/21 vs. 07/02/2021 vs. 7/02/2021 | |
• | Covert Text date to date - cells(x,y).formula = cells(x,y).value (for all rows) | |
• | We can't update some of the links in your workbook right now ... [continue] [Edit Links...] dialog | |
• | Date issues show up over course of year, new year logic, 9 to 10 month or day | |
• | UpdateJIRA |