A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 !@$* active | api | Application | array | chart | clipboard | color | date and time | debug | Error | file | filter | find | format | log | loop | named range | PPT | Pivot Table | record | udf | workbook | wrapper Continue at Database_code 948 Steps to 6 Figures by Learning Excel-VBA and Other Skills |
• | Dim sFile$, sZipfile, test as string | |
• | FileDateTime(sFileName) | |
• | How to write a function to open a zip file when the file sometimes is zip and sometimes xlsb | |
• | File suffix - zip, xlsb, txt, xls, xlsx, xlsm, pdf, htm, html | |
• | kill - delete a file | |
• | DownLoadFileFromWeb(to,from) - udf | |
• | Creating a folder | |
• | UnzipAFile(file,directory) | |
• | ChDir - Files | |
• | CreateDirs | |
• | File wildcard character * or ? | |
• | Dir - files - process a directory or check if a file exists | |
• | ActiveWorkbook after opening an excel file | |
• | VBA on 2 or more Excel files opened at the same time | |
• | OpenDQFile - udf to open the Data Quality file from web/sharepoint and unzip it | |
• | vlookup to external file - '[file name.xlsm]sheetname'!$C:$F | |
• | RunProgram "http.." (File Associations need to set up) | |
• | DownloadFileFromWeb(strURL, savetoPath) - udf using api | |
• | SaveStringtoFile string, "c:\xyz.txt" - saves a string to a file | |
• | FileLen(sFile) - gets the length of the file | |
• | GetVersionForECMTemplates - goes thru a directory and get the last mod and size of each file | |
• | Walk a file - get all files in a directory | |
• | logit2(s) ' writes data to sequential file ' udf | |
• | bOpenSeqFile(sFile,"A") ' "O" output "I" input | |
• | txt files | |
• | Close #x ' Close a seq file | |
• | \\ ' network file prefix | |
• | ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs sFile | |
• | vFileLen(sFile) ' udf to create an excel function to get the filelength | |
• | Mkdir - files - creates a new directory | |
• | udf - CreateMultipleDirectorys from a list (files) | |
• | ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("....").Autofilter.sort.sortfileds.clear ' clears a filters sorting ' recorded | |
• | SaveAllAsPDFFile - Internet - https://howto-outlook.com/howto/saveaspdf.htm - Robert Sparnaaij | |
• | set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") | |
• | FileCopy from, to | |
• | PPT.Presentations.Open sFile, ReadOnly:=msoTrue | |
• | WorkBooks.Open sFileout, UpdateLinks:=False | |
• | SetAttr | |
• | PPT.ActivePresentation.SaveAs sFile | |
• | Error File in use | |
• | AddFinalSlash - udf - files | |
• | GetLatestVersion(sfilename) - get the file with the latest version | |
• | Run('c:\filename.xlsm'!Button2_click") | |
• | A01 CopyToDocumentumSweep - copies files to a network directory | |
• | GetFileName(fullpath) - returns the file name without directory | |
• | ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs sFile | |
• | Attach a file to an email | |
• | GetFileCreator - internet - used shell to get the name | |
• | GetLastSlash(s) - File | |
• | Print #x,string | |
• | Show directory via File Explorer - RunProgram "C:\directory_name" | |
• | Wait until a file appears | |
• | IsAutorun() - udf looks at the filename if has the name autorun then set flag to true | |
• | SECDataAvailable - udf - db - checks for a condition (cob date from db > month-end data) and send email, generates a file | |
• | FileToMD5Hex - internet - security | |
• | FileToSHA1Hex - internet - security | |
• | GetFileBytes - internet | |
• | Freefile | |
• | Use file name to denote something like "-quick" isn't the full result | |
• | Set ppttemplate = PPT.Presentations.Open(sFile, ReadOnly = msoTrue | |
• | SaveStringToFile - udf 🔝 | |
• | RunSQLFromFile - udf - db 🔝 | |
• | Run SQL from a file | |
• | Run SQL and save output to a sequential file | |
• | GetNextVersion - udf - passed file and returns the next version of the file | |
• | GenerateExcelFiles from a db - udf | |
• | a filename can't use certain characters line "/" so change it if creating it from data | |
• | Err = 53 ' file not found | |
• | SetAttr sFilename, vbReadOnly | |
• | ActiveSheet.PivotTables("pt1").PivotFields("coper_id").PivotFilters.Add Type:=xlTopCount, DataFiled:=... ' recorded | |
• | Dim FileSystemObject As New FileSystemObject | |
• | FilesSystemObject.CopyFile sfrom, sTo | |
• | dir(filename) = "" | |
• | Import module file and there is a duplicate routine (I named the routine with a suffix "_dbs" for the module | |
• | LoadData(sFile) - udf - loads a file's data to a string | |
• | Log2File udf | |
• | LoadFileToString(sFile) - udf | |
• | CompareTwoFiles() - udf | |
• | ActiveWorkbook.worksheets("sfile1").sort.sortfields.Add Key:=Range("N2"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, order:=xlAscending, DataOption=xlSortTextAsNumbers | |
• | Get ini file - gsINIFile = Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4) & ".ini" | |
• | Open iniFile For Input As 1 | |
• | Scripting.FileSystemObject" | |
• | tab delimited file | |
• | CSV file | |
• | Monthly Processes (MoM files) | |
• | XML File format | |
• | SeqIO.bas | |
• | SaveCopyAs | |
• | Create HTML files | |
• | xla files | |
• | xlt Files | |
• | If input file format changes | |
• | Input file format is changed | |
• | GetDirName(sFile) | |
• | AreTheyTheSame - internet function udf to check if 2 files are the same | |
• | CountFiles(sDir, sFilter) | |
• | OpenExcelWorkbook(sFile) | |
• | OpenFile() udf | |
• | RenameFiles |