A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 !@$* active | api | Application | array | chart | clipboard | color | date and time | debug | Error | file | filter | find | format | log | loop | named range | PPT | Pivot Table | record | udf | workbook | wrapper Continue at Database_code 948 Steps to 6 Figures by Learning Excel-VBA and Other Skills |
1. | a Order of Learning List | |
2. | a Order of learning | |
3. | FindDataCol - udf - 🔝 | |
4. | 19 Ways to Use Excel | |
5. | 21 Important Excel Features to Know | |
6. | Video Reminder (3) | |
7. | Excel Features to Know to move from Beginner to Expert | |
8. | 31 Common Excel Errors and How to Solve Them | |
9. | 12 Errors People Make in Excel | |
10. | a Excel/VBA for yourself vs. users of your sheets (18) | |
11. | ||
12. | Versioning - Getting Excel to Save a new Version | |
13. | Create Look - Idea - Dev Small - fix - works - New ideas/problems - Repeat | |
14. | Compress Large Excel Workbooks | |
15. | Status | |
16. | Personal.xlsb | |
17. | Dim sFile$, sZipfile, test as string | |
18. | commenting code | |
19. | Function | |
20. | Assignment stmt | |
21. | Range("range_name") | |
22. | Array -start with "a", array function | |
23. | For loop - lbound ubound | |
24. | reference value in an array aSuffixes(i) | |
25. | On Error Resume next | |
26. | concatenation - & | |
27. | Replace | |
28. | %20 | |
29. | FileDateTime(sFileName) | |
30. | nested functions replace(replace(sURL, | |
31. | http, https. | |
32. | err | |
33. | <> - not equal, condition | |
34. | if then else end if | |
35. | Stop | |
36. | Code indenting | |
37. | Error 5 | |
38. | How to write a function to open a zip file when the file sometimes is zip and sometimes xlsb | |
39. | File suffix - zip, xlsb, txt, xls, xlsx, xlsm, pdf, htm, html | |
40. | exit for ' prematurely exit from a for loop | |
41. | Next | |
42. | format | |
43. | = | |
44. | End | |
45. | IsNull | |
46. | Now() - returns the date time | |
47. | kill - delete a file | |
48. | Variables | |
49. | Msgbox - message box | |
50. | DownLoadFileFromWeb(to,from) - udf | |
51. | Folders | |
52. | Creating a folder | |
53. | UnzipAFile(file,directory) | |
54. | ChDir - Files | |
55. | CreateDirs | |
56. | Date formatting yyyy-mmm-dd | |
57. | File wildcard character * or ? | |
58. | \ as a folder separator | |
59. | Dir - files - process a directory or check if a file exists | |
60. | Many ways to skin a cat | |
61. | Workbooks.Open | |
62. | := parameter | |
63. | ReadOnly | |
64. | ActiveWorkbook after opening an excel file | |
65. | VBA on 2 or more Excel files opened at the same time | |
66. | OpenDQFile - udf to open the Data Quality file from web/sharepoint and unzip it | |
67. | addAITs | |
68. | FindDataCol("fieldname",row_nbr) udf | |
69. | cl - udf - converts a # to the AA format | |
70. | (xxx) to convert to proper format - cok ?? | |
71. | Sub - End Sub | |
72. | subroutine parameters | |
73. | Insert a column - Columns(lCol).EntireColumn.Insert ' recorded | |
74. | Concatenate a string to create a range | |
75. | Assign a value to a cell - Range("xxx") = "a value" | |
76. | Range vs. Cells | |
77. | Select a cell - Range(...).select | |
78. | Hardcoding column number problem | |
79. | Using stop instead of error handling | |
80. | Err <> 0 | |
81. | Filtering and visible rows | |
82. | GetNextRow - filtering udf | |
83. | Rows(i).hidden | |
84. | Rows collection | |
85. | Hidden property | |
86. | Syntax | |
87. | Syntax errors | |
88. | Small to big, one piece at a time | |
89. | Activecell.formula | |
90. | =if | |
91. | =iferror | |
92. | =search | |
93. | " - "" - using quotes in a string | |
94. | > - greater than | |
95. | Conditional operators | |
96. | Range(...).value | |
97. | Value vs. formula | |
98. | instr( ) - find a string within a string and return the offset | |
99. | lcase | |
100. | Strings | |
101. | Default property | |
102. | if - elseif - else - end if - and the final else | |
103. | Postitive "If" test vs. complex not | |
104. | Add Columns to a report | |
105. | Move columns on a report | |
106. | Hide columns or rows on a report | |
107. | Findlastrow - udf - finds the last row in a column | |
108. | Misspelling error | |
109. | mixing up row and column error | |
110. | Selection. (formula, copy) | |
111. | =ifna (xl func) | |
112. | =vlookup (xl func) | |
113. | vlookup to external file - '[file name.xlsm]sheetname'!$C:$F | |
114. | Thisworkbook (xl reserved word) | |
115. | range(cl(c+1) & fr & ":" & cl(c+1) & r).select | |
116. | Activesheet.paste | |
117. | Or, And condition | |
118. | Convert2link | |
119. | nested for loops | |
120. | Range("A1").select (dup) | |
121. | Learn via Macro recorder | |
122. | application.statusbar = | |
123. | Select a column - Columns(i).select | |
124. | Application.CutCopyMode = False - gets rid of crawling ants | |
125. | Activecell.formulaR1C1 = .... - code from macro recorder | |
126. | Cells(i,j).select | |
127. | Selection.Copy - copies the active selection to the clipboard | |
128. | Clipboard - basic | |
129. | Cells | |
130. | Rows - basic | |
131. | Columns - basic | |
132. | Terminology | |
133. | Visible - basic | |
134. | Hidden | |
135. | Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight - recorded | |
136. | Selection.copy | |
137. | Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 7.43 - recorded | |
138. | FinishDEReport - udf | |
139. | FindLastCol(1) - find the last column passed a row udf | |
140. | AddBorders | |
141. | ColumnWidthToPixels - internet code | |
142. | Select Case - vba stmt | |
143. | Sheets("name").select - selects a sheet | |
144. | =match xl | |
145. | application.evaluate(sLookup) - runs a vlookup or match or other excel statemnt | |
146. | [=1+2] - runs an xl formula in vba | |
147. | Copy | |
148. | .Copy | |
149. | .Select | |
150. | Paste | |
151. | True vs. False | |
152. | CountIfString(sCol,sValue) - counts the # of times the svalue appears in sCol | |
153. | Range(selection, selection.End(xlDown)).Select - select area - recorded | |
154. | CreateSheet "name" - adds a new sheet and deletes current one??? udf | |
155. | Selection.autofilter = turns off filter | |
156. | range(...).Autofilter Field:=1, criteria1:="=" & sValue, Operator:=xlAnd = recorded sets a filter | |
157. | $A$1 vs. A$1 vs. $A1 vs. A1 | |
158. | =subtotal xl func | |
159. | ColumnWidthToPixels - internet code (Data accuracy report) | |
160. | Select Case | |
161. | ByVal | |
162. | as Single | |
163. | as Integer | |
164. | [=subtotal(3,A:A)-1] | |
165. | Function returning a value | |
166. | Application.EnableEvents = False | |
167. | <style> | |
168. | <table> | |
169. | vbCRLF | |
170. | <col width | |
171. | <tr> | |
172. | <td> | |
173. | <th> | |
174. | sendmail_cdo udf | |
175. | range("range_name").copy | |
176. | RunProgram "http.." (File Associations need to set up) | |
177. | frm...show | |
178. | Activeworkbook.name | |
179. | Delay 2 = udf | |
180. | Rows("1:1").select 'a row | |
181. | Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp ' recorded | |
182. | Workbooks(thisworkbook.name).sheets("xxxx").Range("DER_cc") ' get the range name in another workbook | |
183. | displaycolumns - udf | |
184. | Maillto: | |
185. | Open outlook email using runprogram and "mailto:" | |
186. | Cells.autofilter field=lCol, Criteria1:="=*IBM*", Operate:=xlOr, Criteria2:="IBOR*" | |
187. | RemoveCanceled - Removes rows with a status of canceled - udf | |
188. | Add Columns to a Report Manually Maintained | |
189. | AddLinks - convert Jira into links | |
190. | Display_the_columns - takes a spreadsheet and hides columns based on a range name - udf | |
191. | InArray(array,value) - determines if value is in the array - udf | |
192. | Debug.print variable - debugging - prints value to immediate window | |
193. | Ubound(array) - finds the upper bound of an array | |
194. | LBound(array) - returns the lower bound of an array | |
195. | ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True/False | |
196. | i = i + 1 ' increment a counter | |
197. | Split(string,"value") - converts string into an array | |
198. | Columns(1).select - selects a column | |
199. | lcol = Finddatacol("column header fields",1) ' avoid hardcoding by searching for a column | |
200. | Selection.cut - Clipboard | |
201. | DownloadFileFromWeb(strURL, savetoPath) - udf using api | |
202. | DQ Report | |
203. | sCol = cl((c)) | |
204. | Rows(i).interior.color = vbYellow ' highlights row i | |
205. | exit sub ' used to prematurely exit a subroutine | |
206. | Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" | |
207. | VLookup with RC[-44] from recorded code | |
208. | With - End With | |
209. | Selection.Merge | |
210. | FixName - takes a passed name in Last, First and changes to First Last | |
211. | Mid(string,start[,end]) - string function | |
212. | Formatcols - | |
213. | Borders - Record the code | |
214. | GetHTML | |
215. | SaveStringtoFile string, "c:\xyz.txt" - saves a string to a file | |
216. | References - MSXML2.XLMHTTP60 | |
217. | udf - Internet - GetHTML2 - good example of using DOM | |
218. | Set IE = New InternetExplorer | |
219. | Retrieving Data from a Webpage using Sendkeys | |
220. | as String | |
221. | IsMissing(var) | |
222. | Optional p2 ' declare a parameter as optional | |
223. | Sendkeys "^A",True | |
224. | Columns.("A:E").EntireColumn.AutoFit | |
225. | ThisWorkbook.Sheets(....).Range(....) ' use when a different sheet is active | |
226. | Do While - Loop | |
227. | vbTab | |
228. | Left(sting,len) | |
229. | ActiveWorkbook.Close False | |
230. | GettheVersion | |
231. | GetSignature | |
232. | FileLen(sFile) - gets the length of the file | |
233. | GetVersionForECMTemplates - goes thru a directory and get the last mod and size of each file | |
234. | Walk a file - get all files in a directory | |
235. | GotoXYZ | |
236. | GotoSheet - udf - for shortcut creation | |
237. | GetLastModifiedData - gets the last modified data of a web page | |
238. | gotolabel: | |
239. | As Object | |
240. | On Error Goto ErrHandler | |
241. | Set x = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") | |
242. | Resume Next or Label - Error Handling | |
243. | Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True ' recorded | |
244. | Selection.PasteSpecial ... ' recorded | |
245. | Selection.End(xlUp).select ' recorded | |
246. | logit2(s) ' writes data to sequential file ' udf | |
247. | bOpenSeqFile(sFile,"A") ' "O" output "I" input | |
248. | Error(x) ' displays error message | |
249. | Abs(x) ' math absolute value | |
250. | txt files | |
251. | Close #x ' Close a seq file | |
252. | \\ ' network file prefix | |
253. | Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual ' recorded | |
254. | Pastespecial pasteformats | |
255. | Application.ScreenUpdating = True/False ' used for optimization | |
256. | Doevents ' | |
257. | Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic ' optimization | |
258. | Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' get rid of unneeded dialog box | |
259. | ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs sFile | |
260. | Date ' returns current date | |
261. | Date = #1/4/2021# | |
262. | Remove filtered data but keep filters | |
263. | selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteColumnWidths, ..' recorded | |
264. | Rows("1:1").RowHeight = 52.5 ' recorded | |
265. | vFileLen(sFile) ' udf to create an excel function to get the filelength | |
266. | As Long | |
267. | xl vs. VBA ranges | |
268. | range names | |
269. | ranges - "A1" "A1:C4" range_name | |
270. | Mkdir - files - creates a new directory | |
271. | Final Else | |
272. | elseif err = 75 then ' directory already exists? | |
273. | Goto Loop | |
274. | Exiting loops | |
275. | udf - CreateMultipleDirectorys from a list (files) | |
276. | CreateHTMLTableForEmail (html, css,) - coverts spreadsheet visible data to HTML format | |
277. | ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("....").Autofilter.sort.sortfileds.clear ' clears a filters sorting ' recorded | |
278. | functions vs. Sub | |
279. | Applicaton.WindowState = xlMaxmized ' recorded | |
280. | Application.Height | |
281. | Application.width | |
282. | Application.Left | |
283. | Appplication.Top | |
284. | center in excel - application.width / 2 | |
285. | / - division | |
286. | Activewindow.Caption | |
287. | Windows(sWB).Activate | |
288. | Calling a udf | |
289. | errors - If it's broken you made a mistake (attitude) | |
290. | VBA is a programming language, syntax | |
291. | x = x + 1 | |
292. | Understanding someone else's vba code🔝 | |
293. | Events | |
294. | ActiveCell.Address | |
295. | ActiveCell.Offset(1,0).Address | |
296. | ActiveCell.Offset(1,0).select | |
297. | MergeCells | |
298. | do one then do many | |
299. | Small to big - coding technique | |
300. | SaveAllAsPDFFile - Internet - https://howto-outlook.com/howto/saveaspdf.htm - Robert Sparnaaij | |
301. | Tools > Reference | |
302. | Microsoft Word (version) Object Library - Reference used | |
303. | as Outlook.Application | |
304. | Bs Outlook.Selection | |
305. | set objSelection = objOL.ActiveExplorer.Selection (not sure what this is) | |
306. | set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") | |
307. | As Word.Application | |
308. | As Word.Document | |
309. | set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") | |
310. | A01 Dim WshShell As Object | |
311. | Dim SpecialPath As String | |
312. | A01 DocumentsPath = WshShell.SpecialFolders(16) | |
313. | wrdApp,Quit | |
314. | For each (loop) item in collection | |
315. | Regular Expressions (see Save as PDF) | |
316. | Trim - function string removed leading a trailing characters | |
317. | ActiveSheet.Index - gets the sheets number (not sure why you'd use this | |
318. | Global variables and variable scope | |
319. | ShowSheet - udf - wraps the code to prevent errors | |
320. | Timer | |
321. | beforeSave | |
322. | Public or Global variables | |
323. | Default | |
324. | Adjustment Logic | |
325. | End_it - wrapper - call instead of End to trap where the end was called from and do something if End ocurs | |
326. | ThisWorkbook.Activate | |
327. | After opening an external spreadsheet verify that it's okay - coding | |
328. | SelectPartialSheetName - I wouldn't know the whole name of a sheet but knew part of it's name | |
329. | if a * b * c * d = 0 then msgbox "unexpected" (where a is a col lookup | |
330. | col variables - stores the number of a column which is retrieved via FindDataCol in case column moves (Hardcoding) | |
331. | Different value issue a field in one system was KNA and another was ANA which meant the same so logic needed | |
332. | End of Month issue - two system used different month-end dates problem | |
333. | Cells.Rows.Count | |
334. | As Boolean ... True/False | |
335. | i = i ' for debugging allows a place to set a break point while doing nothing | |
336. | Round - function | |
337. | Error - Type Mismatch | |
338. | integers 1000 vs. 1000.0 | |
339. | Constants | |
340. | next_one: | |
341. | Nested If stmnt | |
342. | ActiveWorkbook.Save | |
343. | Load cell value to a vba variable | |
344. | Refactor - coding technique | |
345. | Right(string,n) - string function | |
346. | Sheets(Array("sheet1","sheet2").copy | |
347. | FileCopy from, to | |
348. | Acronyms | |
349. | [cur_month_end] - access value in a range name | |
350. | Range("A1:" & Cells(r,c).Address).Copy | |
351. | Learn by using the Macro recorder | |
352. | Open two workbooks and apply adjustments from one workbook to the other | |
353. | FormatXyz - udf - to format data usually via recorded code, | |
354. | Macro recorder hardcode removal | |
355. | FixXYZFormat - the format of data needed to be fixed to a format that the code could process | |
356. | Columns("A:P").clear | |
357. | Autofit | |
358. | HighlightTotalRow | |
359. | Selection.CurrentRegion.Select | |
360. | GetUsersEmail | |
361. | Application.IgnoreRemoteRequests | |
362. | udf - LogAction | |
363. | If Day(Now()) <= 19 then | |
364. | Ask user via DispYN - (ex. run full version or "quick" one) | |
365. | Conditional - Or vs. And vs. Not , precedence, ( ) and nested | |
366. | Error 2042 - | |
367. | Application.CalculateFull ' recorded | |
368. | IsError( ) - vba function | |
369. | Ucase | |
370. | Upper/Lower Case Common Error | |
371. | Dim PPT As Powerpoint.Application | |
372. | Set PPT = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application") | |
373. | Set PPApp = GetObject(, "Powerpoint.Application") | |
374. | PPT.Visible = True | |
375. | PPT.Presentations.Open sFile, ReadOnly:=msoTrue | |
376. | fr = Range("first_row").Row | |
377. | ActiveSheet.name | |
378. | rt = udf to track Response Time (optimize) | |
379. | if .Cells(i,j) ' referencing the with stmt | |
380. | GoTo next_for | |
381. | deleteSlide ' ppt routine | |
382. | Generate_deck - udf - that runs commands in spreadsheet to generate ppt slides | |
383. | Cells(i,j).Text | |
384. | WorkBooks.Open sFileout, UpdateLinks:=False | |
385. | ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(sFromAddr).Activate | |
386. | Selection.Left or Top, Height, width, name after chartobject is activated | |
387. | Activesheet.ChartObjects(sToAddr).Delete | |
388. | instr(lcase(..) ) | |
389. | Abstraction - Chess means what? or any term table, chair | |
390. | Application.AskToUpdateLinks = false | |
391. | CopyChartToPPT ... udf - very important | |
392. | Application.Calculate | |
393. | UpdateTOC - code to update ppt toc | |
394. | SetAttr | |
395. | PPT.ActivePresentation.SaveAs sFile | |
396. | Get a Random number between 1 and a Million | |
397. | Error File in use | |
398. | PPT.ActivePresentation.Close | |
399. | LogWaitTime - track time my machines is unavailable due to PPT code running | |
400. | Stop: resume next: Resume - Debugging and why? | |
401. | Delete a Sheet - turn off displayalerts before delete (sh.delete) | |
402. | Error handling Logic - column doesn't exist | |
403. | Create a Sheet with a number of columns to run queries and process Excel output | |
404. | IsDataAvailable | |
405. | RunQuery( ) - udf db - runs a query that returns 1 value and not a recordset | |
406. | sendmail_cdo | |
407. | Application.Ontime Dateadd("n",30, Now(),"Sub_to_run_name" ' i | |
408. | Setting Sheet | |
409. | LogAction - udf to write 3 fields to a sheet | |
410. | Sheets.count | |
411. | Application.Evaluate("=vlookup(""" & ..... & """,'" & from .... | |
412. | err <> 1004 and Error <> 40040 | |
413. | LogSQLError - | |
414. | Activecell.FormulatR1C1 | |
415. | =Ifna(vlookup(... | |
416. | Selection.Autofill destination:=Range("H2:I" & r) | |
417. | Convert formulas to values | |
418. | Selection.Pastespecial Paste:=xlPasteValues... 'recorded | |
419. | Columns("H:I").NumberFormat = "#,##0" | |
420. | Selection.Replace what:="#N/A", Replacement:="0", LookAt... 'Recorded | |
421. | ColumnLetter - udf - converts a column # to a column letter | |
422. | Errors from hardcoding | |
423. | Sheets(2).visible = True | |
424. | When deleting work backwards: for x = sheets.count to 1 step -1 (loop) | |
425. | IsEmpty( ) vba function | |
426. | InArray(array, the_value) | |
427. | LoadArray 🔝 | |
428. | Redim Preserve a(r -2) | |
429. | AddFinalSlash - udf - files | |
430. | Application.EnableEvents = True/False | |
431. | LBDOM - dates - udf - Last Business Date of the Month | |
432. | A01 GTOD(e,offset, optional retDate) - udf Get Type of Date - c for Credit Studio, e for Everest | |
433. | GTODList(type, string of offesets - ex. "0,1,2,3,6,9,12" | |
434. | GetLatestVersion(sfilename) - get the file with the latest version | |
435. | Run('c:\filename.xlsm'!Button2_click") | |
436. | A01 CopyToDocumentumSweep - copies files to a network directory | |
437. | GetFileName(fullpath) - returns the file name without directory | |
438. | ActiveWorkbook.FullName | |
439. | ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs sFile | |
440. | format(lVersion,"000") | |
441. | Change Log | |
442. | Thisworkbook.path | |
443. | Data_validation(sParms) - used for autorun receive request and run a macro | |
444. | Return multiple values from a function by returning a comma separated sting and parsing the results | |
445. | Attach a file to an email | |
446. | GetFileCreator - internet - used shell to get the name | |
447. | GetLastSlash(s) - File | |
448. | GetUsersEmailAddress() - udf - internet | |
449. | Len(string) - vba function | |
450. | Print #x,string | |
451. | Show directory via File Explorer - RunProgram "C:\directory_name" | |
452. | Wait until a file appears | |
453. | SQL | |
454. | RunTheQuery - udf - db | |
455. | SQL - Check return from query | |
456. | SQL insert rows from data | |
457. | CheckScheduleSendMail - udf - email | |
458. | as Variant | |
459. | DateAdd("s",Seconds, Now) | |
460. | Do While (now < vStopTime) and gbStop = False | |
461. | Sleep - API | |
462. | iCnt = iCnt + 1 | |
463. | Second(now()) | |
464. | Mod - if iCnt Mod 10 = 0 then | |
465. | Application.Caption | |
466. | Blink Excel Caption - batch | |
467. | BppMsgBox | |
468. | Colors in vb Editor - Green - comment - blue Excel statement ; red = syntax error | |
469. | for i = Lbound(a) to UBound(a) | |
470. | LoadArray(workbookname, Sheetname, header) 🔝 | |
471. | GenerateAllExcelAndDecks - batch - run multiple SQL's and Creates multiple PPT decks | |
472. | Click a button | |
473. | IsAutorun() - udf looks at the filename if has the name autorun then set flag to true | |
474. | SECDataAvailable - udf - db - checks for a condition (cob date from db > month-end data) and send email, generates a file | |
475. | test_routine - code that tests other code | |
476. | Run "Thisworkbook.WorkBook_Open" | |
477. | Return a value from a function | |
478. | A01 IsRating - determines if a field is a rating range returns true/false | |
479. | Trim( ) - vba function to remove leading and trailing spaces (dup) | |
480. | Application.Run - can be used to run a passed function on parameters - code in pptools - Callback_testing | |
481. | CheckListForMOM - Automates a checklist that person used to verify data | |
482. | VerifyValue - udf - db - runs query based on Coper, field (ce,pe), date, returns value) | |
483. | Embed a query in a function or sub | |
484. | Clipboard routines | |
485. | Declaring APIs | |
486. | PPT test code to update embedded spreadsheet in ppt | |
487. | ByteArrayToString - internet | |
488. | As Byte | |
489. | CheckIfLocked - internet - code to check if the desktop is locked | |
490. | Protect/Unprotect a sheet | |
491. | ActiveSheet.Unprotect | |
492. | ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=1, ColumnLevels:=1 ' recorded | |
493. | Protecting a Sheet | |
494. | Collapse/Expand outline | |
495. | ExcelInstances | |
496. | FileToMD5Hex - internet - security | |
497. | FileToSHA1Hex - internet - security | |
498. | GetFileBytes - internet | |
499. | Freefile | |
500. | LenB() - vba function | |
501. | Open .. for binary access | |
502. | Err.Raise | |
503. | Erase ... vba erase (g) | |
504. | stringtobytearray - internet | |
505. | Hash - MD5 and SHA1 | |
506. | =IfERROR(VLOOKUP(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(),VLOOKUP($BW2,'Field To Use'!$H:$O,6,0))),'Rating Lookup'!$A:$B,2,0),0) | |
507. | Added after time separate process to add more slides with complex rules | |
508. | AddRatingColumns | |
509. | GetActivePPT - get a reference to active ppt | |
510. | Cells.Clear - Clear all cells | |
511. | Workbooks(sWB).Close False | |
512. | ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll | |
513. | ProcessSQL - udf - very important 🔝 | |
514. | GoTo | |
515. | Activesheet.PivotTables("PivotTable11").PivotFields("CtryOfDom").PivotItems ' recorded | |
516. | Hide PivotTable items | |
517. | Refactor code - that can be Table Driven | |
518. | PPT.ActivePresentation.Save | |
519. | Use file name to denote something like "-quick" isn't the full result | |
520. | Set ppttemplate = PPT.Presentations.Open(sFile, ReadOnly = msoTrue | |
521. | ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable3").ChangePivotCache ... ' recorded | |
522. | ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable3").PivotCache.Refresh ' recorded | |
523. | Naming convention (26) | |
524. | ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable3").PivotFields("Region").ClearAllFields 'recorded | |
525. | ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable3").PivotFields("Region").CurrentPage = sValue | |
526. | Rows("9:34").EntireRow.AutoFit | |
527. | Load_Collateral_values_toDB | |
528. | SaveStringToFile - udf 🔝 | |
529. | RunSQLFromFile - udf - db 🔝 | |
530. | Run SQL from a file | |
531. | Range("Settings!datasource_type") = "SEC" | |
532. | Run SQL and save output to a sequential file | |
533. | GetNextVersion - udf - passed file and returns the next version of the file | |
534. | GenerateExcelFiles from a db - udf | |
535. | Selection.WrapText = False ' recorded | |
536. | ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Workbooks(sMainWBK).Sheets(Sheets.count) | |
537. | _ - continuation character | |
538. | ActiveWorkbook.Names("dataset").RefersToR1C1 = "=cpt_input_data!R1C1:R40C13" | |
539. | ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Delete - recorded to delete multiple sheets (displayalerts=false) to turn off warning | |
540. | Collections | |
541. | Workbooks(sWBK).Sheets("CPR_LIst").Range("portfolio") | |
542. | Selection.NumberFormat = (dup) | |
543. | Selection.NumberFormat = "mmm-yy" | |
544. | Selection.NumberFormat = "mmm-yy" (dup) | |
545. | Selection.Numberformat = "#,##0.0,,," | |
546. | AdjustLabelPosition - udf - charts | |
547. | Hardcode then generalize on second occurrence | |
548. | GetRegionalTopNames 6 parameters - udf - get a chart of top n based on CE or PE | |
549. | Returning a value(s) from a sub | |
550. | FixTop25Other - a fix routine fixes something might have a small difference between version and standard | |
551. | Format dates | |
552. | for k = 1 to 12 step 3 ' loop | |
553. | RGB(x,y,z) - vba color func where x, y , z are # from 1 - 255 | |
554. | Selection.Font.Underline = xlUnderlinestyleSingle | |
555. | a filename can't use certain characters line "/" so change it if creating it from data | |
556. | Sheet names have size and character limitations | |
557. | Err = 53 ' file not found | |
558. | sheets vs. worksheets collection? | |
559. | SetAttr sFilename, vbReadOnly | |
560. | FindDataRow("string",col_nbr) | |
561. | Do - Loop ' no while needs Exit Do | |
562. | table driven software - change value is a table and get a new behavior (ex. list of items to process and add a new one) | |
563. | ActiveSheet.PivotTables("pt1").PivotFields("Acct_nbr").Autosort xldescending, sort ' recorded | |
564. | ActiveSheet.PivotTables("pt1").PivotFields("coper_id").PivotFilters.Add Type:=xlTopCount, DataFiled:=... ' recorded | |
565. | ActiveSheet.PivotTables("pt1").ColumnGrand = True ' recorded | |
566. | Selection.Rows.Count | |
567. | Activecell.Row | |
568. | Activecell.Column | |
569. | iif(num_rows = 20, 1, 0) - immediate if | |
570. | Selection.Address - vb property - returns the $A$1 formatted address of the selected cell(s) | |
571. | Dim FileSystemObject As New FileSystemObject | |
572. | FilesSystemObject.CopyFile sfrom, sTo | |
573. | dir(filename) = "" | |
574. | PivotFields("field_name").Orientation = xlRowField | |
575. | PivotFields("field_name").Position = 6 | |
576. | PivotFields("field_name").Subtotals = Array(False, False, ...) | |
577. | PivotFields("field_name").Orientation = xlHidden | |
578. | CVDate(string_field) | |
579. | IsDate(string_field) | |
580. | Verify all data you get which helps when the format changes and it will new, changed, deleted | |
581. | Define Acronyms you use in comments | |
582. | PPT.ActivePrenstation.Slides(2).select | |
583. | AC - udf sc - Activecell | |
584. | AddFieldToDB (sfield, sTable, stype) | |
585. | AddSemicolon - db - udf - adds a semicolon to the end of a string if one doesn't exist or to beginning as it's a comment | |
586. | AppLen - udf -wrapper - handles null value | |
587. | AR - sc for Activecell.row | |
588. | auto_open - udf | |
589. | Application.OnKey | |
590. | frmLogger.show 0 | |
591. | Set gADO = GetConnection(GetDatasource()) | |
592. | Popup - ui - udf - Display a msgbox that disappears | |
593. | Application.ErrorCheckingOptions.BackgroundChecking = False ' recorded optimize | |
594. | Application.Autocorrect ' record | |
595. | check_include - udf db implements sql include logic | |
596. | CheckDatabase - udf | |
597. | CheckForUnadjustedSQL(sSQL, sNote) - udf db looked at SQL and searched for a table that shouldn't be used | |
598. | ComputerName - internet - Gets users computer name using ActiveDS.WinNTystemInfo | |
599. | CreateQueryTable - db - | |
600. | DeleteExternalNames - deletes named ranges starting with External_ ' recorded | |
601. | Range("A1").Listnames ' puts named ranges in A1 | |
602. | Activesheet.Names(sName).Delete ' deletes a named range | |
603. | Import module file and there is a duplicate routine (I named the routine with a suffix "_dbs" for the module | |
604. | Down1 - sub to move activecell down 1 row sc | |
605. | DropFieldFromdb - udf | |
606. | Email ' udf internet | |
607. | set wb = ActiveWorkbook | |
608. | set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") | |
609. | EmailMsgBox | |
610. | GetConnection - udf - db | |
611. | GetDataSource - udf - db | |
612. | GetRecodset (sSQL, Optional maxRecords) as ADODB.Recordset ' | |
613. | GetSystemVar - udf - db - Retrieves a System Variable from a table | |
614. | Insert_to_dataissues_click | |
615. | QF - db -udf - Query Fix to replace an odd # of quotes with even number to stop sql injection attack (security) | |
616. | LoadData(sFile) - udf - loads a file's data to a string | |
617. | Do While Not EOF(x) | |
618. | Line Input #x, sData | |
619. | LoadListBox(c as object, sSQL as String) - db - udf - | |
620. | LoadQueryToString - udf - db | |
621. | LoadSQLtoSheet | |
622. | Popup - udf | |
623. | ProcessSQL(sSQL, sSheet, optional sProcess | |
624. | LatestVersion - udf | |
625. | CompatiblityCheck | |
626. | Detect if user is running old version | |
627. | Type fiilter_Fields row as Long column as Long End Type | |
628. | Public gsFilters() As Filter_fields 'Filter fields is a udt | |
629. | Holding the shift key when excel starts stops macros from running | |
630. | inputbox | |
631. | rt - udf - Response Time | |
632. | As Boolean (duplicate) | |
633. | ByRef | |
634. | Logautorun - udf | |
635. | Dim lStart as Long, lGo as Long, .. | |
636. | for z = len(sSQL) to 1 step -1 | |
637. | Asc( ) - VBA string func converts s to a number | |
638. | Exit Do | |
639. | Loop | |
640. | A01 vbLF | |
641. | vbCR | |
642. | SQL Create | |
643. | SQL insert | |
644. | SQL truncate | |
645. | SQL delete | |
646. | SQL update | |
647. | SQL drop | |
648. | Log2File udf | |
649. | goto retry_it | |
650. | RealGo - udf db - detmine if a go in sql is the real one | |
651. | RemoveLastComma | |
652. | RemoveSQLComments - udf | |
653. | Right1 - udf - move activecell 1 to the right | |
654. | Dim rs as New ADODB.Recordset | |
655. | If gADO is Nothing then | |
656. | Set gADO = GetConnection(GetDatasource()) | |
657. | If cn.State = adStateOpen then ' db | |
658. | check_include(sSQL,"") - udf db | |
659. | if rs.fields.count = 1 then | |
660. | If rs.EOF then | |
661. | vntResult = rs(0) | |
662. | for i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count - 1 | |
663. | rs.fields(i).name | |
664. | rs.MoveNext | |
665. | rs.Close | |
666. | Set rs = nothing | |
667. | runquery2 - udf - runs a query that returns 2 values | |
668. | As Worksheet | |
669. | As Excel.Range | |
670. | Dim a() as string | |
671. | Space$(512) | |
672. | vbNullChar | |
673. | GetCommandLine() - udf | |
674. | WorksheetFunction.Min( ) I use application.evaluate | |
675. | Using vbe > tools > References | |
676. | Reference to Microsoft Data Objects 2.8 Library | |
677. | Reference to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library | |
678. | Reference to Windows Script Host Object Model | |
679. | Reference Active DS Type Library | |
680. | Constants - Const SW_SHOW = 1 | |
681. | API - Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA(ByVal hWnd As Long, ... | |
682. | public gADO As ADODB.Connection | |
683. | API - Public Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) | |
684. | Option Explicit | |
685. | Not | |
686. | Error 2015 | |
687. | LTrim - VBA func | |
688. | RTrim - VBA func | |
689. | Is Nothing - Objects? | |
690. | if not x then | |
691. | SendChecklist_email() - udf - sends a formatted email as a checklist to proper person to dbl check report | |
692. | Applciatoin.UserName | |
693. | LoadFileToString(sFile) - udf | |
694. | UseProductionDB vs. UseTestDB - udf - that set a global | |
695. | WarnDev - udf - emails msg to default email loaded from a config "main_support_email" @ "company_domain" | |
696. | WebQuery - internet - udf - run a url and loads the output to a worksheet - recorded | |
697. | WhatDB() - udf - queries the gADO.Properties(9) and if an error occurs returns "Not Connected" | |
698. | WildCardSelect(...) - db - udf - adds fields to select query based on wildcards - cool | |
699. | Option Base 1 | |
700. | Option Compare Text | |
701. | Seletction.Style = "Percent" ' recorded | |
702. | Activecell.formulaR1C1 = | |
703. | Activecell.formulaR1C1 = "=If(RC[-32]=0,0,RC[-10]/RC[-32] | |
704. | s,Selection.NumberFormat = "_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ::-""??_);_(@_)" 'recorded (g) | |
705. | align_ok_key(lKeyCol1 as Long, range1, lkeyCol2 as long, range2) - udf - 🔝 Aligns data from 2 sources | |
706. | CompareTwoFiles() - udf | |
707. | diffs - udf - compares 2 ouputs | |
708. | ActiveWorkbook.worksheets("sfile1").sort.sortfields.Add Key:=Range("N2"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, order:=xlAscending, DataOption=xlSortTextAsNumbers | |
709. | formatting routines - almost all are recorded and modified | |
710. | GetStats - udf | |
711. | Highlight_PrevCurDiffs - udf | |
712. | Year(vDate) | |
713. | Month(vdate) | |
714. | A01 doc "text" ' udf documents the code | |
715. | Weekday - dates | |
716. | Last_day_of_month | |
717. | Last_day_of_prev_month | |
718. | override date | |
719. | DateAdd("m", -1, vDate)) | |
720. | GTOD - GetTypeOfDate - e e-system C c-system | |
721. | GTODList(sStype, aOffsets) - date Get Type of Date list format "3,6,12,15" a list of prev offsets | |
722. | IsBizDay(vDate) | |
723. | DateValue("1/2/2020") | |
724. | fdom - first day of month -date udf | |
725. | NBizDays(startDate,n) | |
726. | Int() | |
727. | Do Until n = 0 | |
728. | Learning by stepping through code🔝 | |
729. | Application.WindowState = xlMaximized - recorded | |
730. | Application.WindowState = xlNormal - recorded | |
731. | ActiveWindow.Activate | |
732. | Debugging with Msgbox's | |
733. | Debugging with Debug.Print | |
734. | VLookup as part of a formula with """ multiple quotes issue | |
735. | Call Stack | |
736. | Enable/Disable Macros | |
737. | Workbook_open - event | |
738. | Workbook_close - event | |
739. | Get ini file - gsINIFile = Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4) & ".ini" | |
740. | Open iniFile For Input As 1 | |
741. | While Not EOF(1) ... Wend - loop | |
742. | Gosub routine_name | |
743. | InitDB - udf to initialize a database | |
744. | A01 CreateWorkspace - vba | |
745. | Workspace.OpenConnection | |
746. | Err.Number | |
747. | Err.Description | |
748. | Connection Sting | |
749. | ODBC | |
750. | Call routine_name ' call is optional but clearer to new users | |
751. | Ctrl Shift F2 - Go back to previous routine in VB editor | |
752. | A01 Dim rsCOB As DAO.Recordset | |
753. | Run a query sample | |
754. | GetParameters - udf - Report engine | |
755. | OpenRecordset | |
756. | B01 xmlLoadData - udf | |
757. | Private scope | |
758. | Scope of variables | |
759. | As DAO.Recordset | |
760. | PDFPrint | |
761. | ShellAndWait API | |
762. | Scripting.FileSystemObject" | |
763. | AutoFilterMode | |
764. | A01 FormatFromTemplate - udf - Report engine complex | |
765. | as Range | |
766. | Err.Clear | |
767. | ClearClipboard - udf - Report Engine | |
768. | Modules | |
769. | Module variable scope | |
770. | DeleteCodeModules - | |
771. | DeleteServerSideCodeModules - udf report engine vbe | |
772. | Footer | |
773. | A01 FormatforPrinting - udf - report engine | |
774. | FormatFromTemplate - udf Report Engine | |
775. | FormatMultipleSheets udf | |
776. | GetMacroCode | |
777. | IsArrayEmpty - udf | |
778. | SetAutoFitMergedCell udf Report Engine | |
779. | Activecell.mergecells | |
780. | activecell.MergeArea | |
781. | WorksheetFunction.Min | |
782. | MailReport | |
783. | Bpplication.Substitute | |
784. | ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(top,left,width,height).select 'not sure of the params | |
785. | Activesheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Button 1")).Select | |
786. | Selection.OnAction = "TOC1.AddTocSheet" ' Select the shape first via ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Button 1")).Select | |
787. | Selection.Characters.Text = "Add TOC" ' after selecting a button, you can change the text | |
788. | #If Win64 Then Declare PtrSafe .(old 32 bit declare) #else Declare ...(old 32 bit declare) #end if | |
789. | 32 bit vs. 64 bit | |
790. | Ptrsafe | |
791. | Making Spreadsheets more Professional Looking | |
792. | byRef argument type mismatch - syntax error | |
793. | GetAnchorFromCell - udf - web | |
794. | Run a Macro with Parameters | |
795. | tab delimited file | |
796. | CSV file | |
797. | Properties | |
798. | Objects | |
799. | Methods | |
800. | WorkBook | |
801. | Workbooks Collection | |
802. | ThisWorkbook | |
803. | Sheets Collection | |
804. | Named Range | |
805. | Using Multiple Workbooks | |
806. | Sheets aka WorkSheets | |
807. | Rows, Columns and Cells | |
808. | Initiating Macros | |
809. | #NAME error | |
810. | #REF error | |
811. | #N/A | |
812. | #DIV/0 | |
813. | Hexadecimal Numbers | |
814. | Binary Numbers | |
815. | Monthly Processes (MoM files) | |
816. | Data Adjustment Process at Monthend | |
817. | Using Database Views | |
818. | Header Row | |
819. | XML File format | |
820. | SharePoint | |
821. | You Use To Learn on Your Own | |
822. | Bloomberg | |
823. | Timezones | |
824. | R1C1 option | |
825. | Windows Job Scheduler | |
826. | RetrieveDataToSheet - udf - db | |
827. | SQLStuff.bas | |
828. | SpreadSheetRoutines.bas | |
829. | ErrHandling.bas | |
830. | Quit Excel- Application.Quit | |
831. | Circular Reference | |
832. | SeqIO.bas | |
833. | Windows Controls - Combobox | |
834. | Dos - CD and cd .. | |
835. | Password protecting your Macros | |
836. | JIRA (g) | |
837. | Drop-down list in a Cell - Data Validation | |
838. | Outline/Group/Ungroup data | |
839. | Subtotal function - excel | |
840. | StatusBar | |
841. | Exponential Format | |
842. | Static variable | |
843. | if Error = "[Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source..." Then after set gADO and ask to install driver | |
844. | ODBC Dialog | |
845. | Install Software in VBA | |
846. | Processing Multiple Errors | |
847. | GetAllSlideNames | |
848. | PPT.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideNumber - get the active slides # | |
849. | PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(n) - the nth slide oblect name to use in a with stmt | |
850. | For each shp in PPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(2) | |
851. | If pptshape.name like "xxxxx" | |
852. | pptshp.HasTable | |
853. | pptshp.Table.Rows.count | |
854. | pptshp.table.Columns.Count | |
855. | PPT.ActivePresntation.Slides.count - gets the last slide | |
856. | pptshp.Table.Cell(i, 1).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text - gets the text from a pptshp cell | |
857. | Setting a Hyperlink on a cell in a ppt table | |
858. | UpdateHyperLinkTOC - PPT | |
859. | Learn via Immediate Window | |
860. | Learn via sample code | |
861. | Learn by going from small to big | |
862. | View a directory ' runprogram on the Sharepoint directory name | |
863. | Z-order | |
864. | Other forms of VBA (vb, vb.net, vbscript) | |
865. | Killing Excel | |
866. | Copy formula c7 - B7 and get weird values and need to do =if(c7="","",C7-B7)🔝 | |
867. | Fill Down | |
868. | Development, QA, UAT, Production Systems | |
869. | Config | |
870. | Excel Comments | |
871. | Pacing Tool to increase productivity | |
872. | AHK to increase productivity (separate book) | |
873. | Formula error =A1-B1/2 | |
874. | Formula Error =C3-C2 and C2 is blank (if needed) | |
875. | Filter Problems copying moving... | |
876. | #VALUE! | |
877. | ######## - doesn't fit or negative date | |
878. | Error 2015 | |
879. | Precedence | |
880. | Evaluate formula tool | |
881. | Debugging formula issues | |
882. | Create syntax error to save a location you want to go back to | |
883. | autocomplete | |
884. | Active | |
885. | Touch Typing | |
886. | Optimize - getlistcount(nnnnn) in a loop with 800 items | |
887. | SaveCopyAs | |
888. | Download website code | |
889. | ASP | |
890. | VBScript | |
891. | Web Editor | |
892. | ftp | |
893. | Create HTML files | |
894. | Download Web pages | |
895. | Large Spreasheets | |
896. | Archive | |
897. | Copy Transpose | |
898. | Goto Dialog - Ctrl+G | |
899. | #3/22/2021# = Date Constant | |
900. | Game - Concentration - Memory game | |
901. | AI - Checkers | |
902. | AI BlackJack | |
903. | This Workbook contains links to one or more external sources [update] [don't update] | |
904. | Array(string, string, ....) - Converts a list of strings to an array | |
905. | Subscript out of range | |
906. | List of terms to know | |
907. | Parts of a URL | |
908. | Obfuscate your code | |
909. | You Don't Have to Understand Everything | |
910. | Color Dialog | |
911. | Click an Item on the Ribbon | |
912. | Click an item in the Quick Access Toolbar | |
913. | Pacing - Productivity Issue | |
914. | AutoHotKeys | |
915. | Learn to Juggle | |
916. | Backwards Compatibility | |
917. | copy modules in and finding all the syntax error | |
918. | Game - Card Game | |
919. | Game - Checkers | |
920. | Game - Board Game | |
921. | Game - Create a game | |
922. | Create a Drop-down web menu using Excel | |
923. | Timing of Macro statements issue | |
924. | Redundancy Problem | |
925. | Recursion | |
926. | Windows(sWBK).Activate - Error 9 subscript error when New Window used and have :1 and :2 windows | |
927. | Selection Pane | |
928. | Finding the Macro being Recorded | |
929. | Screen Flashing Problem | |
930. | Black Box Concept | |
931. | Interface Concept | |
932. | Normalized Forms - db | |
933. | 4 Concepts of Object Oriented Programming - Interview Question | |
934. | Large Arrays - Interview Question | |
935. | Design Patterns - MVC | |
936. | The 4 Main VBE Windows and the Rest | |
937. | What you can record and what you can't (loops, decisions, flexibility) | |
938. | Recording a Macro and Generalizing it | |
939. | PPT Object Model | |
940. | Tableau | |
941. | MicroStrategy | |
942. | Hadoop | |
943. | Basic Excel Functions to Know | |
944. | Arrays vs. Collections | |
945. | Project: SQL UI | |
946. | SSRS - SQL Server Reporting Services | |
947. | Versions of Excel | |
948. | xla files | |
949. | xlt Files | |
950. | Learn Excel and Extract data from the Web | |
951. | Learn Excel and Turn Ideas to Money | |
952. | Job Scheduler | |
953. | Extract Links | |
954. | Button press doesn't work - You're still debugging the macro | |
955. | Multi-Select | |
956. | Project Explorer | |
957. | Hierarchy Control to Show [+] or Hide [-] | |
958. | Toggle | |
959. | Go to First or Last Sheet | |
960. | Compile | |
961. | Clear Method - Home > Editing (5 options) | |
962. | Determine Macro Associated with a button | |
963. | Browse | |
964. | Run | |
965. | Large Nested-If with missing end if or Else statement | |
966. | Stopping Running Code - Ctrl Break | |
967. | Group/Ungroup/Outline | |
968. | Calculation Manual | |
969. | Date(year,month,day) | |
970. | Date as a Number - 44520 | |
971. | Manual Calculation Problem | |
972. | Calculation Option | |
973. | Hidden Shape Problem | |
974. | For Loop with Birthday Problem | |
975. | Duplicates | |
976. | Compatibility Mode | |
977. | Power Pivot | |
978. | Sparklines | |
979. | Slicer | |
980. | Timeline | |
981. | Forecast Sheet | |
982. | 3D Map | |
983. | Inserting Objects | |
984. | Webservice | |
985. | Game - 20 Questions | |
986. | Birthday Problem | |
987. | GitHub | |
988. | Powershell | |
989. | Confusing in Excel | |
990. | Viewport concept of Excel | |
991. | CDbl - Convert to Double | |
992. | Overflow | |
993. | Out of Memory | |
994. | ^ - Exponentiation | |
995. | format(n,"#,##0") | |
996. | Immediate Window | |
997. | Virus aka Macro Virus | |
998. | Level of Understanding | |
999. | Odds | |
1000. | Percentages | |
1001. | Division - / | |
1002. | Cusip Problem | |
1003. | Leading 0 problem and Excel hides it | |
1004. | Special Characters | |
1005. | Table in Excel | |
1006. | Hidden Workbook | |
1007. | Hide/Show Shapes - Ctrl+6 | |
1008. | ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True | |
1009. | Power BI | |
1010. | Macro to Turn on Automatic Calculations | |
1011. | Freeze Frame Problem | |
1012. | Use Freeze Panes to lock info like buttons or totals | |
1013. | Hide columns that confuse user (hide or grouping) | |
1014. | Drag and Drop | |
1015. | List of Windows Controls or Objects to be Familiar With | |
1016. | Keyboard | |
1017. | Excel Versions | |
1018. | =Randbetween(start,end) | |
1019. | Show Formula Mode - Ctrl ` | |
1020. | List of Options to Be Familiar With | |
1021. | =DateValue("mm/dd/yyyy") | |
1022. | =Countif(A:A,A1) | |
1023. | Stack - Used in Call Stack | |
1024. | =IF(G2=0,"",H2/G2) | |
1025. | Crawling Ants | |
1026. | Formula vs. Value vs. Format | |
1027. | Algebra vs Programming Assignment Statement | |
1028. | Positive (+) and Negative (-) Numbers | |
1029. | Formula Bar | |
1030. | Learning new things is stressful | |
1031. | ALED - A Little Each Day | |
1032. | Shapes, Smartart, Screenshots | |
1033. | Paint | |
1034. | CamStudio | |
1035. | Manage Data Model | |
1036. | Work and Learn | |
1037. | New Phone Experience | |
1038. | Check Input Data | |
1039. | Get Address of a Range name | |
1040. | Indirect Function | |
1041. | Custom Lists | |
1042. | volatile | |
1043. | Searching for Excel/VBA Answers | |
1044. | What's the most common statements I use in macros in top 10 - 1 order | |
1045. | Analogy between programming language and real language | |
1046. | Summary Statistics | |
1047. | Drill-down | |
1048. | Automate Manual Tasks | |
1049. | Companies Have Unique Language - first day on the job story | |
1050. | Intersect | |
1051. | Pause Running Macro - Esc or Ctrl Break | |
1052. | What VBA commands aren't supported in ASP? | |
1053. | Create sheets from a list | |
1054. | Tweet in Excel | |
1055. | Distributions | |
1056. | Learn via Google | |
1057. | Cancel or Pause a Batch | |
1058. | Pain Point | |
1059. | Esc key | |
1060. | Backup | |
1061. | Macro Options | |
1062. | Definition of Done | |
1063. | Cells, Rows, Columns and Ranges | |
1064. | Add Hyperlinks to a Report | |
1065. | Testing you Spreadsheet or Macro | |
1066. | Running a batch and opening a new spreadsheet Issue - IgnoreRemotedde | |
1067. | Release Notes | |
1068. | Filters | |
1069. | Hidden Rows in Excel | |
1070. | Company Language Issues and Excel | |
1071. | Using fx to understand a formula | |
1072. | #SPILL! | |
1073. | version compatibility issue | |
1074. | Student Knowledge | |
1075. | Website problem | |
1076. | Excel -x | |
1077. | Debugger most used to least used list | |
1078. | Restore Point | |
1079. | PasteValues | |
1080. | 32 bit vs. 64 bit | |
1081. | Syntax Checker | |
1082. | WebEx | |
1083. | Delete a Control you need to be in Design Mode | |
1084. | Understanding Bitcoin Using Excel/VBA | |
1085. | Don't hardcode | |
1086. | Range("C4") = Range("C4") | |
1087. | sheet names | |
1088. | values in strings | |
1089. | if x = "scott" then | |
1090. | Lower case/upper case bug | |
1091. | Column references | |
1092. | If input file format changes | |
1093. | Missing Error Handling problem | |
1094. | Standard error handling | |
1095. | Date is a string problem | |
1096. | Date filtering problem due to 12/1/2021 vs. 12/01/2021 vs. 7/2/21 vs. 07/02/2021 vs. 7/02/2021 | |
1097. | Missing error handling and premature exits | |
1098. | Input file format is changed | |
1099. | Hardcoding problem but physics w/o friction issue to simplify | |
1100. | Early Warning Report | |
1101. | Tic-Tac-Toe program that learns | |
1102. | Health spreadsheet | |
1103. | Networking spreadsheet | |
1104. | Goal spreadsheet | |
1105. | Learning language at the new job | |
1106. | Status while running a process so user doesn't think it hung up🔝 | |
1107. | Covert Text date to date - cells(x,y).formula = cells(x,y).value (for all rows) | |
1108. | We can't update some of the links in your workbook right now ... [continue] [Edit Links...] dialog | |
1109. | Microsoft 365 Training | |
1110. | Date issues show up over course of year, new year logic, 9 to 10 month or day | |
1111. | Plan to get book/training done | |
1112. | Excel communicates with web - Gets ReleasePro data | |
1113. | 3 Excel Tricks | |
1114. | 16 Most Important Excel Functions to Know | |
1115. | FormatPrettyPrint | |
1116. | Labels for Goto | |
1117. | FindWorkbook(sWB) udf | |
1118. | GetDirName(sFile) | |
1119. | SendMailto( ) udf | |
1120. | FixEmail - Take an email address with < > and remove this | |
1121. | DeleteSheet | |
1122. | DeleteSheets | |
1123. | FindDataRowPartial(sSearch, c) as Long | |
1124. | GetFirstnameFromEmail(s) | |
1125. | Logit | |
1126. | PreviewEmail | |
1127. | RemoveRangeNames - Removes ones with errors | |
1128. | SendEmailFromList - Goes thru a spreadsheet and Sends emails | |
1129. | SheetExists - udf | |
1130. | WrapEntireRowDelete | |
1131. | Problems | |
1132. | Pause processing and verify data | |
1133. | Find Missing Data | |
1134. | Check a result and take an action | |
1135. | Ask user a question and proceed from their answer | |
1136. | Preview emails before sending | |
1137. | Use a macro before writing one | |
1138. | Initiate a task via a button press | |
1139. | Remove people from email who are no longer at your company | |
1140. | Logger - user defined shortcuts | |
1141. | AreTheyTheSame - internet function udf to check if 2 files are the same | |
1142. | CountFiles(sDir, sFilter) | |
1143. | CreateDirectories | |
1144. | OpenExcelWorkbook(sFile) | |
1145. | OpenFile() udf | |
1146. | ExtractData function | |
1147. | GetDataFromLink(sLink, sEpic, sDeliv) | |
1148. | GetDeliverables | |
1149. | GetJira | |
1150. | RenameFiles | |
1151. | GetRester | |
1152. | InsertStoryOrBug | |
1153. | InsertSubtaskOrSubbug | |
1154. | progressWorkflowAction | |
1155. | UpdateJIRA | |
1156. | Coding Standards | |
1157. | CountUnique | |
1158. | Flashing while VBA is running | |
1159. | 11/12/14 msgfromDoug.xls - used with Outlook to pop up when boss contacted me | |
1160. | 11/12/14 Load Zinc data to server | |
1161. | 11/12/14 Plan.xlsx | |
1162. | 11/12/14 Personal.xlsb | |
1163. | 11/12/14 GetCode | |
1164. | 11/12/14 Text Marked Post | |
1165. | 11/12/14 Time Create | |
1166. | 11/12/14 Determine Size X Diff | |
1167. | 11/12/14 Compare Sheets | |
1168. | 11/12/14 Micar.xlsm xl, db access | |
1169. | 11/12/14 Random XL, vlookup | |
1170. | 11/12/14 Addins | |
1171. | 11/12/14 Shortcuts xl, web queries | |
1172. | 11/12/14 Warning External Refs | |
1173. | 11/12/14 Server Debugging | |
1174. | 11/12/14 Logging | |
1175. | 11/12/14 Delete Spam | |
1176. | 11/12/14 Infografic | |
1177. | 11/12/14 Excel Diet | |
1178. | 11/12/14 Logger in XL | |
1179. | 11/12/14 Reports | |
1180. | 11/12/14 Filter | |
1181. | 11/12/14 Pivots | |
1182. | 11/12/14 Charts |